Answered By: Library Experience Coordinators
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2021     Views: 3202

For Market Research:

ABI/Inform - includes Canadean company reports

Croner-i -  the Business Focus Module provides market research information for a wide range of trade sectors. Very useful coverage of high street activities. (please note - this database has its own username and password to log in. Follow the link to see the details).

Marketline Advantage international database providing market analysis covering a wide range of industries, companies and countries.

Mintel UK consumer market research reports

Passport international business intelligence and market research on countries, companies, products and industries


For Journal Articles:

ABI/Inform journal articles covering all aspects of business and management, 

Science Direct includes many full text business, management and accounting journals.


Other Useful Databases

BRAD  UK media database on brands, agencies, advertisers, advertising rates and contact information, as well as latest industry data (please note - this database has its own username and password to log in. Follow the link to see the details).

LS:N Global consumer insight, innovations & trend forecasting network

Marketing Mentor  resource providing marketing training modules, templates, production brief (please note - this database has its own username and password to log in. Follow the link to see the details).

WARC access to over 6,000 award-winning case studies for marketing professionals, with in-depth trend analysis, and research reports, campaign videos.

For more information about the resources the library provides visit the Strategy, HR, Management & Marketing Libguide.

If you would like help using any of these resources you can book a tutorial with Amy Bush, the librarian for the Business School.


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