The main databases for a Paramedic science student to use are:
CINAHL(Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) is the key electronic index for Nursing and Allied Health professionals journals. (Best viewed using Chrome).
Medlineis the key indexing service for the journal literature of Medicine. You may have seen or used PubMed (Public Medline) which is exactly the same database but open access. Medline should be the preferred choice as it offers a higher level of sophistication in the search and there are additional links to full-text articles only available through Birmingham City University subscriptions. Use Medline when you need Medically focused information, particularly related to interventions. (Best viewed using Chrome).
Cochrane includes three key databases:Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - Systematic reviews of evidence related to clinical interventions and authored by the Cochrane Collaboration. (Full text); Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect - Abstracts for systematic reviews and meta-analysis which have been published in journals and other resources. (Reference and abstract only); Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials - Abstracts of clinical trials published in journals. (Reference and abstract only)
NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) is a suite of resources that includes the NICE Guidelines, Clinical Knowledge Summaries, Public Health Information and, via NHS Athens, the NHS journal indexing and other databases.
We have created a series of videos to help with searching some of our databases. You can also get help using any of these resources by booking a tutorial with a member of the Learning, Teaching and Research Services Team at the Mary Seacole Library or there is a drop-in service offered Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm at the helpdesk, subject to staff availability.
Chat with one of our librarians during staffed hours, or one of our partner librarians from around the world outside of staffed hours. The service is available 24/7!