Answered By: Laura Percival
Last Updated: Sep 22, 2021     Views: 6813

You can print from any University PC using the MyPrint Printing system and you can collect your print jobs from any of the MFDs (multi functional devices) which are available throughout the university. You can also copy and scan using the MFDs. Full instructions on how to print, copy or scan.

The MyPrint system is managed and maintained by the IT Department so If you have any problems using the system you can contact the IT Help Desk by e-mail at or by phone on 0121 331 6543

You will need to buy printing credits before you can print from University printers. Find out how to purchase printing credits.


If there is no printer installed on the PC you are using you can manually install it as follows:

  1. Press the Windows Key and 'R' together.
  2. Type myprintpq and click 'OK'. 
  3. Double click on 'myprintpq' icon to install printer.
  4. Close the print queue window, and choose 'myprintpq' when printing.


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