These are the most relevant databases:
a-n: The Artists Information Company News - a-n The Artists Information Company - contemporary visual arts news, work opportunities, exhibitions, research papers
ARTbibliographies Modern Advanced Search - ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM) - ProQuest - summaries of journal articles, etc
Art Full Text Advanced Search: EBSCOhost - articles from all aspects of art, from visual to performing arts.
Design and Applied Arts Index Advanced Search - Design & Applied Arts Index (DAAI) - ProQuest - abstracts of journal articles
For details of other useful resources and for further information visit the Graphic Design and Illustration Welcome - Graphic Design and Illustration - Subject Guides at Birmingham City University ( subject guide
If you would like help using any of these resources you can book a tutorial Book a library tutorial - Library & Learning Resources | Birmingham City University ( with your subject librarian.
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