The IT Help Desk is separate to Library and Learning Resources. They have answers to Frequently Asked Questions including:
Where to get help if you need it
How to access your University email account
What IT training is available
If you are having trouble remembering your password, you need to contact the IT Help Desk
Detailed help for printing, laptop loans, Office 365/email, and Moodle can be found on the main IT iCity site.
The IT Help Desk can help you with your network ID and password - you need this to access our electronic resources via Athens. You will also need a PIN to borrow laptops. You can contact IT
The Library can help you with your borrower number - you need this to use the self-service machines. Please contact us using the library chat service or email us if you have any concerns or questions.
Chat with one of our librarians during staffed hours, or one of our partner librarians from around the world outside of staffed hours. The service is available 24/7!