The library has put together some interactive guides to help start you off with your academic writing:
Library Skills - introducing searching skills, mapping your topic, and planning your search techniques
Guidance for Researchers - this guide takes you through the research process including how to conduct a literature review, plan your methodology/undertake data collection, and evaluate your findings
If you would like further help with academic writing:
The Centre for Academic Success runs workshops and gives advice in 1:1 and small group tutorials to all University students on a variety of subjects including English, study skills, maths and other technical topics. It also provides English support in various forms for international students.
For students in the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences, the Personal Development Department(PDD) can help you with academic writing and numeracy applied to practice.
Chat with one of our librarians during staffed hours, or one of our partner librarians from around the world outside of staffed hours. The service is available 24/7!