When you are searching some of our databases you can check BCU Library Search to see if search results are available as full-text or require an inter-library loan to request a copy.
For the majority of our databases look out for and click on the Check BCU Library Search link displayed adjacent to a search result.
If the full-text of a search result is available to download, click on the available options to view online from BCU Library Search. You may be prompted to sign in with your BCU email address and password.
If the full-text of a search result is not available to download, click on Sign in to login with your BCU email address and password.
If you would like to request a copy of the search result, click on Inter-Library Loan to submit a request.
Before you request an inter-library loan, it is a good idea to re-read the abstract or description of the search result in the database to consider if you really want to request the item.
Visit our Inter-Library Loans web page for more information about the service.
Chat with one of our librarians during staffed hours, or one of our partner librarians from around the world outside of staffed hours. The service is available 24/7!