Answered By: Laura Percival
Last Updated: Oct 25, 2021     Views: 212

You can save items directly to Mendeley Reference Manager from the BCU Library Search. When you have found an item in your search results that you wish to save, view the item detail page and click the "Mendeley" icon in the "send to" section.

Mendeley icon

Mendeley can only save the citation details that are embedded within the item's metadata. You may find that the citation details are incomplete. You can either edit the details manually, or use the spy-glass icon that may appear in the identifier field when more details are available.

Spy glass icon

Sometimes the full details may not be populated because the data is not available.

You can also import to your Mendeley account from Library Search by using the "export RIS" option and then importing the file into your Mendeley account, or you can directly upload a saved PDF from your device into your account.

We advise visiting the Mendeley Help Pages from your Mendeley account for further help and support regarding this 3rd party application.

A note about referencing directly from Mendeley: BCU Harvard is not currently supported within Mendeley. 


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