When accessing a technical paper in SAE Mobilus from BCU Library Search, you can't link directly to the full text, therefore please try the steps outlined below.
From the list of search results in BCU Library Search click on the link for available online.
From a search result's detailed view click on the view online link for SAE Mobilus.
On the SAE Mobilus homepage enter the title of the technical paper in the search box and click on the search button. The search result's detailed view in BCU Library Search includes the full citation details, including all the information needed to help you search for the item.
Browse the search results for your technical paper and click on the title.
Click on the option to download for the full-text of your technical paper.
Chat with one of our librarians during staffed hours, or one of our partner librarians from around the world outside of staffed hours. The service is available 24/7!