Answered By: Trudi Pledger
Last Updated: Dec 22, 2022     Views: 261

Some VLeBooks can only be read by a limited number of users at any one time. If you are unable to access an ebook it would usually mean the maximum user limit has been reached.  

Click on the 'Read Online' icon. If the maximum number of users has been reached, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to reserve the title. If you wish to do this, please enter your BCU email address and click 'Reserve'. 

Screenshot of pop-up box requesting email address to reserve ebook











When the ebook is available for you to read (either online or download) you will receive an email to let you know the item has been added to your 'My Reservations' bookshelf. 

You have 24 hours from the time you receive the email to access the ebook, otherwise it will be given to the next person in the queue, or set back to general access for everyone.

Screenshot of email notification from VLeBooks








To access your reservation log in to VLeBooks. When logged in a pop-up notification will appear to confirm the reservation is available.  Click on 'Confirm'.

 Screenshot of reservation notification in VLeBooks
















Go to the dashboard on the left hand side and click on 'My Bookshelves', 'My Reservations'  then the title of the book to access it.

Screenshot of My Bookshelves / My Reservations dashboard


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