Answered By: Laura Percival Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024 Views: 571
Your library Resource List can be embedded in your Moodle module page. You can embed it as many times as you like: either the whole list, a section of the list, or an individual item from a list.
Example: ABC1234 Foundations of Library Science S1 24/25.
This format will ensure that your Resource List is fully integrated with library systems and SITS, in order to recognise pre-existing lists, list owners, and student numbers (to ensure we purchase enough resources).
Within Moodle, switch on "edit mode". Choose the course section you wish to embed your Resource List content, and select "add an activity or resource".
From the activity chooser, select "Library Resource Lists".
To add the whole list, type a descriptive name of your choosing (i.e. "Library Resource List" or "Library Resources") into the "activity name" box, then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "save and return to course". Your list should automatically be displayed.
To add a section or item, click the "select content" button. Your list content should automatically be displayed. Check the box for a section or an item, then click "select". The activity name will autocomplete to match the list/item, but you can edit this. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "save and return to course".
The first image below shows how the main course page looks with the Resource List added as content to the "general" section of a Moodle course page. The second image shows how the embedded list displays. Along the side navigation menu, you can see how a section (week 1) or an item (week 2) have been added to support that week's teaching.
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