Answered By: Laura Percival Last Updated: Aug 09, 2024 Views: 364
As an owner or collaborator, you will see editing tools at the top of the Resource List page. The "add" button is used for adding items, sections, and notes.
A good Resource List not only shows a variety of resources to support your students, but also contains sections and notes for wayfinding and context.
Click any of the options in the menu to add content as required.
If you're creating a list from scratch, you can select a template with different types of sections to edit. In an existing list, you can rename your existing sections or add new ones via the "add" menu.
Section title is mandatory, "description" and "date" are optional. Complete the details and click "add". You can edit the details or move your sections afterwards.
This is how the section displays to students:
Hovering over the section will allow you to drag, delete, share, and more.
Notes can be added to sections via the "new note" option from the "add" button. The note title is mandatory, and description is optional. Select a list section from the drop-down menu. You can edit/move the notes afterwards.
This is how the note displays to students:
Hovering over the note will allow you to drag/edit/delete the note.
The heart of your Resource List is the items you recommend to students. Selecting "add" and "new item" shows a drop-down of all of the different options available:
- Search the library - use BCU Library Search to locate reading. New drop-down search scopes have been created to support your searching, and the "filter" option will help narrow your search down. Item availability is displayed.
- Add from favourites - Using any of the methods in this list, you can add items to your favourites for later, and select them using this option.
- Upload files - Add your own files. Worried about copyright? Use the options in the file uploader to select a copyright review and we'll take care of it!
- Add using DOI or ISBN - If you have the DOI or ISBN handy, input them here to locate the item.
- Import references - Add items from your preferred reference management software by exporting them as a .RIS file and using the uploader.
- Manual entry - If you cannot locate an item another method, add the details here.
An example of adding an item via the "search the library" option:
Once you click the "add item to list" icon you'll be prompted to select the section, and add a tag.
This is how the item displays for students:
Hovering over the item allows you to drag/share and open editing tools via the "full details" options. Here, you can see availability, add notes, dates, and tags, as well as request digitisation.
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