the Lexis Librarywhich includes All England Law Reports, Atkin’s Court Forms, Corporate Law Direct, Employment Law Online, Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents, Family Law Reports, Halsbury's Laws Direct, Legislation Direct, plus access to full-text law journals (see the attached videos on Searching Lexis Library for specific articles).
Westlaw which includes full-text of UK statutes and European legislation, law reports and journals plus a legal journals index and case citations. Full coverage of US law can be accessed via the Region drop down menu on the top of the screen.
Other law databases include:
HeinOnline - a research resource covering full text articles and indexes relating to US and global law. Please note that this is not a current issues database.
For further useful resources and information visit the Law LibGuide.
If you would like help using any of these resources you can book a tutorialwith one of the Learning and Teaching librarians or visit the Curzon Library Help Desk.
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