The best databases to search for engineering information are:
Access Engineering Over 650 of McGraw-Hill Education’s engineering titles
SAE Mobilus (formerly SAE Digital Library) Full-text of SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) papers from 1998 onwards. (BEST VIEWED IN CHROME,OPERA,SAFARI or FIREFOX - not INTERNET EXPLORER)
IEEE Xplore Digital Library Access to journals, conference proceedings, technical standards, ebooks and educational courses.
ScienceDirect Freedom Collection Summaries of journal articles, and full-text for selected journals.Access to over 2000 full text scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals published since 1 January 1995 (Green icon shows subscribed content).
Springer Compact - comprises of approximately 2200 Springer journals and 1680 Hybrid (Open Choice) journals
More information can be found on the Engineering libguides. You can also book a tutorial with James Dean, the liaison librarian for Engineering or you can e-mail him at
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